
Our Smokers



For almost two years now, Griller Unchaind has moved to the world of pellets and have chosen the American brand Traeger as their supplier.

How do you say? Only thing you can do with pellets is fueling stoves?

Bad, very bad!

Pellets in the world of wood burning BBQ are actually a trend developed over the last 30 years, but whose market is growing dramatically given the ease of use and performance of these machines.

But… how does a pellets smoker work?

Why to choose them?

Exceptional performance, within everyone's reach
The Taste

Wood-burning improves the taste of your food

The Versatility

Grill, Smoke, Roast, Cook like in your house oven: all in one device

Set it & Forget it

Your meat's personal babysitter. You turn it on, and he'll take care of everything.

The Stability

Checking the air vents is a distant memory. The cooking temperature of a Traeger is constantly stabilized.

Our Choice

Two models for all needs

Timberline 1300

A war machine. 130kg of metal. 3 levels. Feeds an army

Buy it!

Pro Series 34

A lot of space, a lot of comfort. Lighter in weight, lighter in price.

Buy it!